Aggressive (Un)Bans – Compressed Remarks

The December 2021 ban list for Japanese Weiss Schwarz imposed heavy restrictions on three meta decks: Date a Live, Symphogear, and Kaguya. But the change that piqued my interest is the partial reversal of the choose-1-of-5 that destroyed 8 bar Fate in September 2020. Bushiroad has removed the Good Friends Trio heal event from the ban list a mere one-and-a-half years after it was added, so the Heaven’s Feel vol. 2 event-based synergies now have a powerful event to play around even if the 8 bar build remains weak. But freeing the Fate heal event after only 1.5 years makes me optimistic for other reasons.

This quick an unban is rare. First, of the 91 cards restricted in the eleven year existence of the ban list, half of those cards are still on the list. And when cards do get freed, the average jail time is 3.1 years between the day a card is restricted and the day it’s freed.

Second, when Bushiroad *does* free a card within 1.5 years, that mercy is usually paired with a simultaneous restriction to a more problematic card. For example, Weiss’s first major ban list in August 2012 put Idolmaster’s Battling Jupiter counter, Azusa runner, and Haruka combo on a choose-1-of-3. Yes, Battling Jupiter was unrestricted a quick half-year later, but only to make room on the choice list for Ancient Capital Takane. Similarly, the swift 1.5 year turn-around on Hina Logic Yuko was less about unrestricting Yuko than about strengthening Hina Logic’s choose-1-of-2 with Principal into an outright ban of Principal.

Only seven cards have been unbanned as quickly as Fate’s heal event (without a simultaneous restriction on another card from that deck):

Unrestricted carddate restricteddate unrestrictedduration
RG Mikoto in Pajamas (2/1 changer)August 2012February 2013Half year
ZM Operation Hostage RescueAugust 2012September 2013One year
DG Laharl & MaoFebruary 2014August 20151.5 years
DG “Beauty Baron” Mid-bossFebruary 2014August 20151.5 years
DG Former Angel Flonne February 2014August 20151.5 years
MG Shinobu Oshino, Middle School Student (bounce)September 2016March 20181.5 years
KC Z3, 3rd Z1-class DestroyerFebruary 2017March 20181 year
Unrestrictions within less than 2 years aren’t common

Bushiroad has a reputation for excessive safety when freeing cards from the ban list, and maybe understandably so: removing a card only to immediately re-ban it when the deck becomes meta again is the kind of mistake that hurts player confidence in your ability to develop a fun and worthwhile competitive environment. So I think most people accustomed to Bushiroad’s approach to the ban list may end up surprised. This latest unrestriction to the Fate heal event may represent a quicker readiness to relax restrictions on decks that were whomped by the ban list like Fate was, a change to the scorched earth policy.

So maybe the Date a Live, Symphogear, and Kaguya choice lists will see a card or two come off sooner than people might think.

Weiss Jargon Tier List (abridged)

SS tier: compression

S tier: plus/minus (in cards) | clean & dirty stock | overswing | level lock | color lock | early play

A tier: win board | plus-to-field | DEP | heal | burn | salvage | crash | mill, bounce, scry

B tier: trilane/trifield | sandbag | wall | march/promote | confirmed trigger | door (and most other CXs) | freefresh | refresh penalty | riki maguro akatsuki (et cetera) | hexproof | when reversed

C tier: tempo | meta | comeback (trigger) | snowball | refresh damage | coinflip | stock wash, flush, troll, bomb, swap, drop, & roll | anti-change | top check | on (self-)reverse

D tier: advantage | ahead in damage | out-tempo | aggressive/defensive | proactive/reactive | stabilize | not “ready/prepared” to be lvl 1, 2, 3, 4 | mid-game | encore step | akatsuki event | suicider | beater | borden counter | check and wreck

Whatever tier: kinda whatever | pretty whatever | really whatever | win level 0/1/2/3/4/12

F tier: playstyle | gate | 2-for-1 | center stage | english exclusive


Good – summarizes for easy conversational use a complex but helpful idea, unambiguously

Bad – summarizes for easy conversational use an unhelpful or even actively detrimental idea, ambiguously, while sounding stupid

This tier list is 80% serious, 20% joking.

Compressed Remarks: Gorilla Grodd

On Batman Ninja, Gorilla Grodd, and why some fixes aren’t about power level

Some people think Gorilla Grodd from Batman Ninja shouldn’t be fixed. “Allow the level 0 gorilla to bring out the demo deck level 3,” they say, “until Batman starts winning too much. If it turns out too good, then ban it.”

Would these people also say that fixing the Jeanne lvl 1 misprint from Fate/Apocrypha was an overcorrection?


Are pre-errata Jeanne and the Grodd-summon-DemoDeck “broken”? No.

Are these mistakes so obvious that even a week one newbie can recognize these cards are not supposed to work this way? Yes.

The Batman Ninja level 3 summon is powerful enough and in a franchise popular enough that it would see frequent play. And it is so glaringly obvious a mistake that even new players can recognize the cards aren’t as they should be.

The opposition thinks the Grodd-level3Batman interaction fits the power curve of the game, even if it’s technically undercosted. That’s a fine point and probably correct: these cards don’t break the game. A Grodd game is still a game of Weiss. The interaction doesn’t make Batman Ninja too good or kill the format.

But the level 3 summon is so blatantly miscosted that it tells new players that Weiss Schwarz isn’t a game worth their time and passion. 
Any new player who encounters this card will ask why it’s not fixed. And it is unacceptable to leave these game pieces so absurdly, manifestly wrong. How can anyone evangelize a game for which fixing an oversight like this is beyond the pale? There can be no player trust in the health of such a game because print mistakes will inevitably happen, and a game that refuses to correct them is not worth playing.
This is what errata is for: correcting a mismatch between the design elements for a card and the unintended text that physically ended up on the card. This isn’t DOTA, a game in which everything is a mistake and the designers ask players to craft emergent plans based on non-intuitive outcomes of complex systems. Instead, Weiss has explicit, defined game pieces with explicit and defined rules text, and in the case of Batman Ninja one of those game pieces erroneously references another piece that it isn’t supposed to.
This isn’t only about power level. It’s about community health.

WSA Reading List

Hey.  If you like this reading list and would like to make your own, please do.   I My pace of updating this list has never been great, and it’s only gotten slower.  And I’ve gotten more aware that this list has always taken too insular a point-of-view of Weiss as a challenge to master and too often ignored the greater joy of Weiss as a rich emotional experience.  It’s fine and good for someone else to do a better job.  Indeed, as my intro paragraph has always disclosed, my own list is built on the foundation of someone who came before me.  To paraphrase Teya from Weiss Tea Time, I’d be happy to pass the torch to the better thing and bury this old thing, because old things being obsoleted is something to celebrate, not mourn.  Thanks.


Curated content from the English-speaking international Weiss Schwarz community about our Japanese anime card game. Adapted and updated from Licorice’s list.

Items written in this bold gold font are stand-out achievements and are required reading.

If I link a mostly off-topic resource to recommend one relevant nugget, the rest of the resource is probably great for other topics, too. However, if the rest of the article or video seems on-topic but I narrow my recommendation to just one paragraph or one snippet, I am often signaling to ignore the surrounding content. tl;dr I don’t endorse every word in the resources below.

*NOTABLE ADDITIONS*: How to Play Faster Without Thinking Less by Weeb Shortz

Basic Knowledge

Introduction to Weiss

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